
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Transformation Tuesday: Core De Force

Happy Tuesday friends! I wanted to continue this week with another Transformation Tuesday post. I have done several beachbody programs to get me closer to my goal weight.  Core De Force was the program I completed after 21 Day Fix and I wanted to share my results with you today.

What is Core De Force? It is an MMA kickboxing style workout. The program is 30 days long and the workouts range from 30 minutes up to 47 minutes. The 21 Day Fix style portion control cups are also incorporated into this program.

 I really enjoyed this program. It was hard but I loved the challenge. By the end of the program I was able to the moves I couldn't complete in the first week. I felt stronger and more toned. I had a lot of fun with each workout which is so important when you are working out. If you're not having fun with it you will get bored quickly and not complete your program.

My nutrition with this program was not as on point as I wish it would have been. I let excuses get in the way.. my kids were sick, school ended, we had a wedding to go to, etc... My own fault . If I would have stuck better to my nutrition the whole time I would have definitely had some better results. But I still did OK with it and I know what I need to be doing to get better results.

I loved the workouts and plan on doing this program again sometime in the near future.

OK, onto the good stuff. My results! I lost 8 pounds and 8 inches. My body feels more toned. My thighs feel like they have more muscle in them and don't "jiggle" as much which is always nice :-) My stomach feels more toned, especially my obliques.

In the picture on the left my shirt would cling to my belly. The picture on the right is after 30 days of Core De Force and the shirt now hangs off my body. I am happy with my results, especially because I feel stronger and more toned! I am proud of myself for pushing through these workouts and challenge myself to do things I didn't think I would be able to complete.

Want to join my and try Core De Force or any of the Beachbody programs? Leave your email down below in the comments or email me at and I will send you some more information.

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