
Monday, March 5, 2018

7 Tips to Help you Become a Morning Person

Are you a morning person or a night owl? I used to be a night owl and I have turned into a morning person. Part of the reason was because I had kids, and if you have kids you know that those days of sleeping in are over! But even with my kids getting up early I wake up energized and ready to go for the day.
 There are some great benefits of being a morning person.
- More time with the Sun
- More motivation for the day
- More time with the ones you love

I am going to share 7 tips I use that have helped me become a morning person. I am a more productive person since starting these tips. I get up early, work my business, get my kids ready for school and myself ready, and then its on with my day.

1. Go to bed thinking of something exciting you get to do the next day. 

You know how before you fall asleep each night your mind is racing with thoughts. Thoughts from your day, thoughts about the next day, etc.. Instead of thinking about the tasks that you have to do that you don't want to do, think about something that makes you excited for the day. A new project at work, dinner for the night, plans with some Friends, that yummy breakfast you have planned for the day. 

For me, I think of several things. I think about the workout I'm going to do in the morning and my breakfast. I think about the tasks I need to do with my business because I genuinely enjoy what I do. These help me feel excited to wake up in the morning with happiness and motivation for the day.

2. Create a To-do List each night.

This one kind of goes with the first tip. To help clear your mind before bed, create a to-do list of all the things you want/need to get done the next day. Think of it as a brain dump. Put all of those thoughts and tasks racing through your brain down on paper. Get them out of your head for the night so you can focus on the positives and go to bed peacefully. 

I am a big list fan so this is something I enjoy doing each night. If I don't write down my tasks for the following day I will end up forgetting some of them and then remember before bed that next night. It's a vicious cycle so that's why I write a to-do list each night. 

3. Set out your clothes for the day.

Pretty simple, right? I set out my workout clothes for the day ahead. I don't workout until after I get home from dropping my boys off at school but I put on my workout gear so that I can be ready to go once I get home. Plus, it's cute and comfy so I don't mind spend a couple extra hours in them before I actually start putting them to use! 

Set out your work outfit, workout clothes, comfy clothes, whatever it is that you want to wear the next day. This will help save you some time in the morning. You'll just have to grab the clothes and go get ready instead of searching for what feels like hours through your closet. 

4. Put down any electronics at least 1 hour before bedtime. 

This is actually a task that I am still working on. I get caught up in my work which is social media based so I get sucked into the Instagram and Facebook world not even realizing what time it is. I am working on putting my phone down as soon as we get in bed. My husband and I spend this time together snuggling and watching TV before bed. We obviously can't do that very well if we are on our phones all night.    

The lights on our phone are bright and they fire up our brain, making it think it's time to stay up and party. By turning those items off and focusing on the present our brain realizes it's getting close to sleepy time and it will slow down for the night. This also helps with those of you who suffer from insomnia.    

5. Drink a big glass of water as soon as you wake up.  

As soon as I wake up, I fill up a water bottle I'm going to use for the day with ice water. Usually 20-24 ounces. I drink it right away. This helps rev up your metabolism and helps you wake up more. Even more helpful? Fill up your water bottle the night before and put it in the fridge. Just grab and start drinking as soon as you wake up. 

Plus, you'll get a head start on drinking your water for the day. Super important (Keep your eye out for a post about drinking water in the near future!) 

 6. Stop hitting snooze!

I think most of us are guilty of this. That snooze button should just be removed from alarms! It would make it so much easier to get up. Do your best to not hit it. As soon as your alarm starts blaring turn it off and sit up. Don't hit snooze while half asleep and then roll back over for 6 or 7 more minutes of sleep. Just get up! 

7. Go to bed earlier.

If you are a night owl, start moving your bed time earlier and earlier each night. Try 15 minutes early the first night. 15 the next night, and so on until you reach a better time to go to bed. The recommended amount of sleep each night for adults is 7-9 hours , so keep going to bed earlier until you reach a good time that will give you those hours of sleep you need.

Sleep is so important. So is waking up early and starting your day on the right foot. Have you ever woke up 15-30 minutes late and the rest of your day just seems off? You had to rush all morning to get ready on time, had to rush your kids to get ready and didn't even get to spend any time with them. Whatever it was, I'm sure you didn't like feeling so off first thing in the morning. 

Try implementing one of these tips each day this week until you are doing all of them. Happy sleeping and welcome to the early morning birds club!    

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